Our public plant sale will be March 28th (Saturday) from 9-1:30 at Furney’s Nursery in Des Moines. 21215 Pacific Hwy South is their address. Phone is 206-624-0634.
Early blooming English mums, as well as late blooming varieties will be available. All of our varieties will be represented- incurves, reflexes, spiders, charms, anemones, singles, sprays and cushion mums in every color including green. Come early for best selection. They will be offered in 2 inch pots and will sell for $2.00 each . Membership into the ECA and growing directions will also be available. A mum seminar detailing how to grow beautiful mums may be given at 2:00. Living door prizes will be made available.
Membership into the Association cost only $15 annually and family membership is only $20.New members will be given 10 free plants and a family membership provides 15 free plants. Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month starting at 7 and ending at 9 PM.They are held at the Seattle Police Athletic Pavillion at 11030 East Marginal Way South Tukwila.