Hi All
Hoping everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Celebration! Looking forward to seeing you Thursday January 14 and in the New Year!
Our next meeting is Thursday the 14th of January @ Seattle Police Athletic Association big hall @ 7 PM. See our website http://ecamumclub.org under “about” for a map & directions.
SUPPLIES: Please place your orders for Feburary Delivery of Earth POTs with Mark Ross. Please call Ronnie Elliot or Don Stark by Tuesday, January 12th to order M&R mix for both January and February meetings. We will have plant tags and twistems at the meeting.
Dues: Please pay your dues for 2016 at the January Meeting
Elections: Our discussion regarding Elections at the December Meeting was postponed to the January Meeting. Our organization is all volunteer – please consider taking a leadership or service role in our club!!
Draft Minutes from the December 10th Meeting as taken by Don Stark and to be read at January Meeting:
Minutes-ECA Meeting-Dec.12, 2015 Draft Page 1/2
Meeting called to Order by Secretary, Don Stark, in absence of our president John Harden. and Vice Pres. Rich Blaisdell.
-12 members present.
-Introductions: Three of this year’s new members were present:
> Kris Stephens who comes all the way down from Shoreline,
>Erica Harris who lives in Burien and grows Bamboo
>June Kubo (daughter of mike Kubo who recently passed away)
-Secretary’s report: Don Stark.
1 Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed and approved
2.There was no formal meeting in November (Replaced by the Awards banquet).Let it suffice to report that approximately 30 people enjoyed a good feast and all awards were presented. including a new trophy donated by June Kubo and her mother, honoring her father Mike. The trophy was given for the best Fantasy Challenge which was won this year by Ron Elliott. A special thanks to the Kubos for sponsoring this Trophy!
Don Stark was presented with a bottle of Champagne for the best of the flowers displayed at the banquet,
(A vase of 3 Mt. Rainiers).
3. The Aldriches reported we have three new members signed up from the show:
Carol Wall, Michael Kerkes & Tili Hipol
4. It was reported that Ken Smith, Manager of Furneys Nursery and a special supporter of ECA was killed in an Automobile accident last Sunday, Dec. 10th. We have no further data at this time but Bob Ewing is getting a special floral bouquet to honor him.
-Treasurer’s report. Sydney Ogilive
Balances:/year Checking Savings Cash Coin Total
Nov. 2015 $3,315.48 $2,740.75 $219.00 $49.35 $6,584.58 (+$1,646.78
Nov. 2014 $2,075.44 $2,737.56 $118.00 $ 6.80 $4,937.80
-Cultural: Ron Elliott
Ron emphasized the necessity for protecting last year’s stools from frost–Keep stools protected ,covered from rain, and sheltered from frost and Ice. One or two frosts in a row, the stools will probably survive; but a 3rd frost might likely kill many of the stools. Protecting from rain is necessary tol keep your stools relative dry so they can experience a semi dormant period. If stools are wet you run much greater risk of killing frosts as new shoots will be growing and as such are much more susceptible to freezing weather. Also If the pots you have the stools in are wet a hard frost will often break your pots in half due to expansion of the wet media when it freezes.
The stools can be kept in this semi dormant period until 20-30 days before you wish to take cuttings. To wake them up feed moderately with a high nitrogen fertilizer such as Miracle Gro. to urge the new shoots on.
Ron also talked about cutting beds and the surrounding environment. He reported what he uses which are in a heated green house, keeping the soil temp. at 65-70 degrees etc. and using overhead fluorescent lights. Stark emphasized that the beginner and many older members don’t need to go to extensive lengths with the cutting beds and that all you really is a heated box with a medium of sand and Pete moss , protected from the surrounding medium and with sufficient light, whether it be from fluorescent lights, a sunny window or a semi clear roof.
– Business:
Ron Elliott reported that the U.S. Chrysanthemum society’s annual show will be held in the Portland next year. It could possibly interfere with our show if it would coincide with our show dates: Action, Ron to Find out their planned show dates and report back at our Jan Meeting.
Election of Officers:
It was planned we would have the election of officers at this meeting, but since the President could not be here nor was there a nominating committee report, we unanimously decided we should postpone the election until the January meeting.
We then had a round robin session to consider possible nominees for the forthcoming Jan. Meeting. The following is a list of thoughts and recommendations for next year’s officers.
1. Officers willing to continue next year:
-Treasurer Sydney Ogilvie
-Cultural Instructor, Ron Elliott
=Secretary, Don Stark
-Newsletter and Web Master, Steve Backstrom
Other possibilities
Trustees, Ann Schreibe , Jill Aldrich, Mark Ross
Vice Pres: Bob Ewing
-June Kubo
-Erica Harris
Respectively submitted, Don Stark, ye Olde Scribe.11/16/2015
NOTICE: If you are growing mums that ARE not listed, in our CULTIVARS of ECA PINCH LIST, please let Ronnie, Don, or Steve B know what plants they are, if you wish to show them.