Hi All
Hoping everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Celebration! Looking forward to seeing you Saturday, January 14th, 2023 and throughout the New Year!
Even though it may be cold outside and you might feel like cozying up to a warm fireplace, there’s lots to do in the greenhouse in January!
In January its time to:
1) clean and prepare your cutting beds;
2) replenish your starting supplies;
3) get your stools growing and producing shoots for cuttings; and
4) establish your 2023 growing plan including the varietals and quantities you plan to grow.
If you need some inspiration take a look at the main page of the ECA website – www.ecamumclub.org. There you will find a link to a list of most of the varietals grown by ECA club members.
Another resource is Kings mums www.kingsmums.com. However, Kings is only accepting orders from folks who have placed orders with them in the past. If you haven’t ever ordered from Kings and want mum starts from them we will be creating a consolidated order for the mum club at our January meeting.
We all have our favorites and those that are reliable producers however, I encourage you to try something new. When making your growing plan, don’t hesitate to ask for help. We have many experienced growers willing to assist.
As you are bringing your plant stools out of dormancy you may find that you will have some non-producers. If you fear you have lost specific varieties pass that information along to our membership via email or at the meeting. Sharing this information will prompt others to start more cuttings and help replace your lost stock.
Our next meeting is Saturday, January 14th, 2023 at Volunteer park Conservatory at 10 am.
We meet in the Sharon Priebe Education Wing behind the main conservatory building. Parking at the conservatory can sometimes be a problem. remember that we can also park down by the lower greenhouse behind the conservatory.
The following supplies will be available at the December meeting:
M&R soil less mix
Plant tags
Twist ems
Early Season Fertilizer
If you need clay pots we have a wholesale clay pot resource – Washington Pottery. Contact Sue Joyner at [email protected] to get our wholesale access information.
1) Now is the time to pay your 2023 membership dues.
ECA Single Membership -$15.00 ECA Couples membership $20.00
We now have two ways to pay membership dues:
1) send a check made out to Evergreen Chrysanthemum Association c/o Erika Harris PO Box 66155 Burien, WA 98166
2) Pay your dues on-line at https://www.clover.com/online-ordering/evergreen-chrysanthemum-burien
ECA Membership Cutting University
February 18, 2023 2018 10 am – 2pm at Volunteer Park Conservatory Greenhouse – beyond the caretakers cottage.
We will be taking early English, late decorative, spiders, spools, quills and garden variety starts for the public plant sale. If you have plant stools of the listed classifications please bring them to the cutting college so we can take cuttings. Many hands make light work. Please come help. This is a great learning opportunity for members who have not taken cuttings before.
We look forward to your participation.
Bring your labeled and stools that have shoot stock
2023 Evergreen Chrysanthemum Association public plant sale – Saturday, April 15, 2023
Plant starts will be available exclusively to ECA members at our March and April meetings
Look for more information in our February and march newsletters.
ECA 2023 Calendar:
Saturday, January 14, 2023 10 am – Noon – Cultural discussion focus – Cutting Preparations
Saturday, February 11, 2023 10 am – Noon no meeting – please plan to participate in the 2/18/23 cutting University event
Saturday, February 18, 2023 10 am – 2 pm – Cultural discussion focus – ECA Cutting University
Saturday, March 11, 2023 10 am – Noon Club Plant Sale
Saturday, April 8, 2023 10 am – Noon Club Plant Sale
Saturday April 15, 2023 9 am – 2 pm Public Plant Sale
Saturday, May 13, 2023 10 am – Noon – Cultural discussion focus – Bonsai and Cascades
Saturday, June 10, 2023 10 am – Noon – Cultural discussion focus – Fertilizers
October 27th – 29th, 2023 – Evergreen Chrysanthemum Association 76th annual chrysanthemum show at Volunteer Park Conservatory